Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Love Rising

I search the horizon for your warm, glowing light, anticipating your arrival with every cell of my being.

Nothing compares to how it feels, the magnetic pull, the abiding peace, when first I glimpse you.

Shrouded in clouds, levitating slowly up from the edge of the endless ocean, finally you appear.

Fiery orange, blazing bright, you announce your arrival boldly, your power unmistakeable.

Rising higher, certain now that everyone has noticed your majesty, you soften to yellow-gold.

Yours is the mystical, magical, marvelous way, manifesting desires and intentions, resolving fears.

In your light, prayers are heard, paths are laid, what was once obscure begins to clarify.

Mother Moon, full of love and promise, rising up over the sea in total glory, I honor thee.

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